Mondays With Mike And Marty

Episode #28 - Are you really eating healthy to lose weight??



Tonight, the topic was a good one, and a relatable one at that for many people. Are you trying to lose weight, or are you trying to be healthy?? There is a healthy way to lose weight, but there are also many unhealthy ways as well. Lots of people worry about a number, rather than focusing on just feeling good overall, because if you're living a healthy lifestyle, the weight will come off. - We also have two rants about gym memberships, and coffee cups. Mix that in with some funny conversations about music and life, and you got yourself another great episode of the podcast. - Shout out to our amazing family No Matter Apparel, Sail Away Coffee, and Tonic CBD. - Check out No Matter What Apparel, and all the dope threads they have at the following spots: Website: Instagram: - Hit up Sail Away Coffee at: - Don't forget you guys get 10% off your orders at SailA