Ask Simply Mary

The Six Stages of a Song



So you want to make music, but where do you start? Ask Simply Mary Podcast, Music Production, Musicians  At 14 years old, Jalyn Fisher has a strong interest in ALL things music, but where does she even begin to start when there are so many different things to learn and so many changes in this fast paced industry?  Today on Ask Simply Mary I would like to give Jalyn a plan of action to learn all the things she is dying to know about making music. We will be covering the 6 stages of Music Production that are critical to creating a good song. The great thing about this, is that each step has a future with positions and jobs in the industry somewhere. Do not fall into thinking you need to know it ALL, let me reassure you that you don't. Don't get me wrong, the more you know the better, but be realistic with your direction, you will grow along with your education and that does take time. Eventually you will be educated in all the areas you will need to be.  Below you will be able to study any proces