Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

STEVEN KOTLER / TOMORROWLAND: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact 6/17/15



Ready or not - our world is hurtling into a deep dive of accelerating creationof those once-future technologies long-considered science fiction,into tangible realities happening now ...And it is prime time to explore - not onlywhat these new creations are, and whatTOMORROWLAND will look like ... but alsowhat it means to be a part of this BRAVE NEW WORLD.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest NYTimes bestselling author Steven Kotler - author of TOMORROWLAND: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact - has written extensively about these pivotal moments when science and technology have disrupted - and fundamentally reshaped - our world. He joins us to share the best of his best, to guide uson a mind-bending tour of the far frontier, and how these advances are radically transforming our lives. From the ways science and technology are fundamentally altering our bodies and our world (the world’s first bionic soldier, the future of evolution) to those explosive collisions between science and culture (life extensio