Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 1: "God Exists"- Spiritual Reality Check - week one



In the premiere week of our "Spiritual Reality Check" series, Pastor Lucas Rogers focuses on the reality that God exists. For many people, it's not easy to believe in God in today's world. A personal God who knows you and loves you can sound trite and, in some ways, more like a child's nursery story than anything real. But rather than deconstructing or abandoning our faith, it's worthwhile to wrestle with why faith is hard and why belief in God still makes sense.What are your thoughts? We'd love to hear from you. Blessings. More info at https://www.ebc.org Thank you for subscribing and sharing. #eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #spiritualrealitycheck #godexists #acts17 #unknowngod #lovegodservepeople