True North Church, Milton, On

Wisdom That Works



Proverbs 1:20 says “Wisdom cries aloud in the streets, in the markets she raises her voice”. The wisdom God wants to impart to us is available to all who want it. God encourages us to discover it, embrace it, and navigate life with it. The book of Proverbs is practical help from God for daily life in the real world. It doesn’t sugar coat the way things are and it speaks to us clearly and directly about how we live and where our personal choices and habits are taking us. With today’s tidal wave of information, news, and opinion, much of it a mixture of spin, sound bites, and trivialities, we need to pause and reflect on God’s advice for life that has stood the test of time. Join us this Sunday as we begin an in-depth study of the “Wisdom That Works” in the book of Proverbs.