Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: 13 Colonies Special Event and recent appearances



A few weeks back in our Facebook Group, Curtis Williamson (W4HCW) mentioned he'd like to hear me do a show about the 13 Colonies Special Event.  I connected with Bob, ND7J, the webmaster for the event as well as an event operator from the state of North Carolina. I feature our conversation in this episode of HamRadio 360. The 13 Colonies Special Event is held during Independence Weekend each July and began in 2009, as a 'One Time' event.  After logging over 12,000 contacts with just 13 operators, it's founder Ken, KU2US, discovered he was onto something.  Since it's inception the event has grown exponentially with many more state operators and a network of help that spans the globe. This is one of my favorite contests to participate in each year!  Thanks to Bob for coming on to help us learn more, and I hope you all get a chance to participate and get a clean sweep!  To learn more about the Event, Logging, Certificates and more visit the 13 Colonies Special Event page at www.13colonies.net (28:30) Recen