Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 140: WE3 (DC Top 25 Honorable Mention)



WE3 by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Jamie Grant, and the incomparable Todd Klein is a highlight of the past 20 years. This compact tale about three cybernetically modified pets who escape their government handlers as they search for home is one that resonates on multiple levels. It's a pulse-pounding action comic, an endearing animal story, a prescient commentary on modern warfare, and a treatise on the innovative ways to depict time, movement, and space on the comic book page. Join us as we bask in the glory of WE3! What are your thoughts on WE3? We'd love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to hit us up on our socials, or email us! We also have a Linktree here: Before we get started with our proper DC Top 25 countdown, we're gonna discuss some honorable mentions that didn't make the final cut (as well as a few dishonorable mentions). If you've been following our feed for a while, you may have noticed several episodes in the past year falling under these categories.