Country Road Detours

106: Christmas Special: Lum & Abner hosted by Donnie Pitchford



In this is special episode of Country Road Detours, we wanted to take you back in time to an old time radio show hosted by our special guest host and friend.... Donnie Pitchford.  Pitchford, a retired high school teacher, cartoonist and founder of the National Lum and Abner Society introduces us to the Lum and Abner radio show which ran from 1931 to 1954. Today you will hear their famous Christmas show originally aired in 1938. Chester Lauck played Lum Edwards and Abner Peabody, played by Norris Goff are owners and operators of Pine Ridge, Arkansas' own "Jot 'em Down Store." It was a general store which served the zany town residences. The immensely popular show ran for fifteen minutes and took the listeners back to the feeling of a rural America. The Andy Griffith Show was based on Lum and Abner. We hope you enjoy this episode and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!