Country Road Detours

105: Life and Times of Beada Corum



You may remember her as the 92 year old lady from Knoxville who made the national headlines when she voted for the first time in her life in the 2016 Presidential Election. Beada Corum became an overnight news sensation as she was very vocal about her choice for president. Donald Trump was so impressed that she chose him that he had to meet her. He did in both in Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee. But that is just one side of Beada Corum. Listening to Beada talk about life on the farm and growing up during the hard times is an education in itself to understanding how life was in East Tennessee for many folks. She share's a lot of humorous moments too. She went drag racing down Tazewell Pike with her cousin, discovered a "Horney Head" fish in a creek, assisted her husband who encountered snakes in the outhouse! She shares what Christmas was like in 1930's. Her folks took her to see an unknown Dolly Parton performing as a little girl in her coat of many colors. Please join us as we listen to Beada's last inter