Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#90: Stop Getting Talked Over & Start Being Seen as a Leader



Are you struggling to find confidence and step out of your comfort zone at work when it comes to growing as a leader and asking for what you want? Today's guest will show you how! In this episode, Donald Miller talks with Karen Laos, author of the book Trust Your Own Voice and host of the podcast, Ignite your Confidence with Karen Laos. Karen shares practical tips on how aspiring leaders can confidently speak up and become a valuable player everyone else wants to hear from.   First, Karen encourages you not to be afraid to be the first to speak. This gets any nerves out of the way and positions you as a confident leader, even if you’re just making an observation. Second, Karen recommends using the phrase “here’s my vote” as an unapologetic, straightforward way to share an idea or recommendation. Lastly, Karen shares how being thoughtfully concise will make you stand out as a communicator. Listen now and use these strategies in your next business meeting and you'll be well on your way to becoming a leader peop