Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#89: 5 Ways to Protect Your Time (and Increase Revenue)



Are you a leader or executive in your company? If so, you’re one of the biggest expenses in your business. You’re also one of the most sought-after people in your company. This creates a problem: you need to use your time extremely wisely, but you’re constantly being pulled in multiple directions. If you don’t learn practical strategies to protect your time, your work (and life!) will suffer from constant overwhelm and frustration.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller coaches you one-on-one from his own personal productivity and decision-making playbook so you will always know what to prioritize and what to say no to. Listen in to learn 5 strategies you can immediately use to improve your personal productivity and efficiency: 1) Let plates fall 2) Limit people’s access to you 3) Keep correspondences short 4) Get a personal assistant 5) Use a project manager. When you learn to protect your time and stop feeling guilty about it, you’ll actually get more done, escape overwhelm, and get back to growing a business