Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 241 - Beautiful Blackbird



Though normally we limit ourselves on the Fuse 8 n' Kate podcast to books that were published at least 20 years ago, we look at a book today that is (restrain your gasps) 19 years old. Worth it. I mean, who could possibly fault us? Ashley Bryan was a living saint of children's literature. Kate points out that with the current racist responses to the Black Little Mermaid, our choice of book today is timely in its cry of "Black is beautiful!" We get into a discussion of what can be considered assimilation or cultural appropriation and things get interesting. Give it a listen! Show Notes: Betsy Recommends: Bluey - https://www.bluey.tv/watch/ Kate Recommends: Harley Quinn - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7658402/ For the full Show Notes please visit: https://afuse8production.slj.com/2022/09/19/fuse-8-n-kate-beautiful-blackbird-by-ashley-bryan/