Enterprise Marketer Podcast

Marti Konstant on Building Your Career Using Agile



Most Agile Marketers find their way to Agile due to the influence of a technical person in their life. A spouse, a friend, or a former career. However, for Marti Konstant, Founder of Konstant Change, was attracted to the approach due to the Project Management aspects of the approach.Marti states, "I think Project Management sounds kind of boring when you think, 'Oh, I am going to be a Project Manager when I grow up. But if you think, 'I am a Marketing Project Manager and I get to help complete campaigns,' it brings a whole new level of interest and excitement to it."Agile is finding a new home in nearly every business unit in the organization, but what about using it to help you build your career? In this show, Marti Konstant describes her approach to coaching individuals into using Agile methodologies to their careers.BiographyMarti Konstant is a tech marketing veteran and growth hacker focused on kickstarting market demand for startups and B2B tech companies. As Vice President of Marketing at Open Kerne