Robin Hood Radio Interviews

Marshall Miles Interviews-Amanda Halle: Western CT Area Agency on Aging New Medicare Savings



The Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging, Inc. (WCAAA) is a private, non-profit corporation. Through designation as an Area Agency on Aging, the WCAAA is a funding source for services designed to maintain seniors in the community. Funding is derived from federal, state and local sources with clients contributing toward the cost of many supportive services. Federal and non-federal funding finances services such as congregate and home delivered meals, legal, chore, health, adult day care/respite, transportation, veterans outreach, senior centers, benefits outreach and health screenings for seniors in the 41 town western CT area. Our home based senior assessments frequently act as a gateway to our programs and services. The Agency administers the statewide Alzheimer Respite Care Program, as well as the following programs with federal funding: National Family Caregiver Support, Money Follows the Person, Live Well, Congregate Housing Service, a Veteran's Program, the Medicare focused CHOICES and SMP (Medi