Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

How Your Environment Affects Your Goals with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Do you surround yourself with people who encourage you to reach your goals, or are they just along for the ride? Who you let into your environment is essential to how you will reach your goals. Likeminded individuals can see your vision even when you can't see it. Find people who hold you accountable for your goals and encourage you to reach for the stars.  The lone wolf syndrome can be hard to overcome. As an entrepreneur, you do everything to move the needle but never get closer to your goal. You’re too close to the situation to realize the roadblocks are holding you back. It takes other people to come into the fold and say, “This is what I see in you. You are capable, but you must let go of the thing weighing you down and holding you back.” Put yourself in an environment that allows you to see your blind spots! Everyone alive will face some sort of obstacle at some point in life. It might be a heartbroken teenager or a work or family issue, but you can't let those obstacles be the chains that hold you back