Starseed Radio Academy

Crack Between The Worlds



With the ongoing global starseed activation, we have many new listeners who haven't heard our featured episode of Lavandar's "Crack Between The Worlds," the story of her mind blowing experience at Giant Rock in California with George Van Tassel, a UFO contactee and the creator of the Integratron.  During one visit, she was asked to wait in the room built under Giant Rock, where she soon came face to face with the ET who just appeared, to give her the assignments of her life.  This story will keep you on the edge of your seat, so do NOT listen to this while you're driving.  Starseeds have had physical reactions to this story, including dizziness and sleepiness, so be safe.  The events that took place at that time are connected to the countless starseeds whom Lavandar's work has empowered.  On our main site, has our Vault of Knowledge, where you'll find much of the Light information that Lavandar has released, as well as rich resources for starseeds to remember and learn. At the