Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep462 Compartmentalize to OverDeliver



I want you to consider compartmentalizing your life. This is a technique I use in all aspects of my business and personal life to stay in the present. I picture each task, each client or each situation as a room. Once I enter the room I close the door to the room I just left. Once in that room I give 100% attention to that room and what is needed at that time. You can do this on a Macro or Micro level. Don't understand what the hell I am talking about? You will once you listen to this! I cover these and many more life hacking strategies in my new book! Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: We are accepting applications for the Coach Glass Mentorship Fall 2022 Class. Interested? Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better MyTPI has a new app and updated workout builder! Check them out and register for all your MyTPI classes here: Want to buy some equipment? Of cours