Dream Freedom Beauty With Natalie Ross

Natalie Ross + Naomi Love on the Great Witch Hunts & Killing for Followers [episode 96]



Content warning - while we’re not getting graphically gorey, this is an intense topic that still resonates with the challenges we face today in a society ruled by supremacy. Pay attention to your body and your needs, and if it’s too much, pause or turn it off. Natalie + Naomi share how prosecuting witches was a marketing technique by the Protestant church to gain followers. You’ll also hear about: What is - a witch, witchcraft, paganism, Wicca, a heretic, the Great Witch Hunts? The witch wound and the sisterhood wound  The link between the Great Witch Hunt and the Black Death  ♥♥♥ Join The Earth Speak Collective Membership! Join like-hearted folks in a sacred container and community where you'll: Connect deeply to yourself, others, nature & spirit Learn to trust your intuition Activate your Earth magic Expand your healing & divination skills Put your intuition into practice in everyday life Stop feeling lonely on your spiritual path Embody & express your creative power & truths Experience s