Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

Ep 60 When Someone Won't Forgive You



We have all been through it. We have made mistakes. We have hurt people. What do we do when someone won't forgive us for what we have done to them? Is it our responsibility to try to make them understand and forgive us or do we need to forgive ourselves in the midst of taking responsibility for our actions and say that we are sorry?  I would love to hear more from you. You can find me at or If you are interested in working with me for Heart Space Coaching, reach out through the websites above. Sending lots of love to everyone. Sending out a huge thank you to those who are monetarily supporting this podcast. Your contribution makes a huge difference in the Love Wide Open mission. If you love what is happening here on this podcast, you can support us for future episodes by going to the Anchor App and pledging a monthly amount.   Supporting a Podcast: To support a podcast from its Anchor profile, click ‘Support this podcast’ at the top of the page. What to do next: