Leadership Revealed

How Some Of Us Get More Done



In this episode, John addresses one of the questions he is most often asked. ‘How do you have so much time to get everything done?’ It can often seem that way. The truth is it’s all about time management, or as John likes to refer to it as, priority or choice management. You can choose what you spend your time doing and ultimately what you consider to be the most important thing to get done. Plan your time wisely but don’t tie yourself into your diary. John talks about delegation and how he has done this in his business as well as being efficient and effective with your time. Do you struggle with productivity? Tune into this episode to listen to why choice management is important for you and your business.   KEY TAKEAWAYS As a business owner, now what to get involved with and what to stay out of. This is all part of time management and using your own time effectively.   BEST MOMENTS “It’s all about finding people that you trust.” “Once you have that ability to hand things over, i.e. To delegate to people, t