Highway2helms W/ Shane Helms

Episode 43



On episode 43 of Highway2Helms w/ Shane Helms, the episode is out a little early as Shane is headed to tonight's Smackdown! Topics include some more travel woes, WWE Monday Night RAW, a humorous story from the WCW Cruiserweight Division involving Kaz Hayashi and Scott Armstrong, the UFC and illegal knees to a downed opponent, the XFL and the DC Defenders, NC State wrestling and basketball, "catering shaming," Horsegirl" and "Locke & Key" on Netflix, and Goliath on Amazon Prime. PLUS! This week's "Comic Slam" includes talk about Guardians Of The Galaxy, Captain Marvel, The Avengers, Atlantis Attacks, Superman, The Justice League, The Legion Of Superheroes, Solomon Grundy, Bane, Harley Quinn and more!This week's Highway2Helms with Shane Helms is brought to you by ENTALE! Get more from your podcasts with Entale; put faces to voices, read articles, and discover the full story. Entale is a new type of podcast playing app, which uses AI to pick up relevant information, so you can always stay in the loop and on