Inner Source Alchemy

ISA • 011 GUEST: Rhiannon Griffiths LAc.⌇Five Element Wisdom For Personal Insight⌇



The rich understanding of the Chinese Five Elements as it relates to our unique constitutional makeup as humans is not common knowledge. In fact, it is probably the least openly discussed Element system. The origins of this wisdom carried on the knowledge through oral traditions - master to student, master to student, which in the "age of information" is a very valuable and extremely important currency of  knowledge.    Both Capri and Rhiannon have been personally propelled within their self-development journeys, for over a decade, by being recipients in this traditional line of elemental awareness. Rhiannon, as a practicing traditional acupuncturist, co-activist coach and writer has taken her passion for the Five Element wisdom a step further by creating accessible content that allows individuals to "feel into" what life is like through this different lens of viewing ourselves.    Essentially, she gently opens the healing door into the world of the Five Elements to anyone and everyone. Especially relevant fo