Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Katie McLaughlin shares how theater skills can stop workplace hurt.



55% of communication is body language, 38% is tone, only 7% is the words you use.Are you leading deliberately in the workplace? The term deliberate means on purpose, it's an intentional action. And that usually also means that we have considered how we want to show up as a leader in the workplace and we're actively making choices to be aligned with that vision of who we want to be in the workplace, whether that's based on our values, what behaviors we want to be doing.  In this week's episode, Katie McLaughlin, Founder of the McLaughlin Method, talks us through how leaders can use tools like body language, tone, and dialogue to positively impact business results. Katie describes most leaders as people who are "kind of leading by accident and aren't aware first and foremost that they have choice and that they have the ability to affect behavior and affect change. And then secondly, that once they know that they can do that, how do they want to show up? If they've never thought about what