Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

478 Holly Worton ~ The Importance of Showing Up for Your Adventures



I'm back again, with another solo episode! Last week, I was interviewing Erica Terblanche for episode 483 and we talked a bit about the importance of showing up. It was just a quick mention, and I made note of it because I knew I wanted to dive deeper into the topic on a solo episode. In fact, I made several notes of concepts that I wanted to explore on upcoming solo episodes.   “Showing up” is something I've been reflecting on lately as I prepare for my black belt grading in December (fingers crossed). I've been showing up for classes more than ever before. I've been showing up consistently, and I've been focusing on getting better—and, guess what? It's working. Showing up for our adventures (and other things in life) has great power to change our lives and ourselves.   Listen To This Episode        What You'll Learn What is showing up and why is it important  How showing up changes you and your life How to show up for the important things in life Troubleshooting your process for showing up How to get star