Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#92: 5 Key Talking Points You Need to Close Deals



Are you tired of losing sales because you’re fumbling over your words? Your customers deserve to know about your product and services – but unless you know how to communicate the value you offer, people won’t buy from you. Instead of losing sales and feeling tongue-tied, you can learn 6 strategic talking points that will help you approach sales conversations with confidence.   In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller continues to unpack the new The Customer if the Hero sales framework with this week's guest Jessie Daavettila, CEO & Founder of Raskana, a maternity and baby apparel brand. Jessie faces a common problem when it comes to sales: needing a cohesive, focused message about the problem her product solves. Listen in to learn 5 key talking points that will help you close your next deal, write your next email, or draft your next proposal!   Go to to access and create a SalesScript you can use to invite customers into a story. As a podcast listener, you'll also get