Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#91: Hate Selling? Here’s the Sales Framework You Need



If you’re like most people, you hate being sold to – and you don’t enjoy selling to others, either! But as a small business owner, you have to sell to survive. Selling your products or services shouldn’t feel slimy or nerve-wracking. When you learn our storytelling framework for sales, you can stop pushing products and start inviting customers into a story instead.   In today’s episode, Donald Miller introduces you to the The Customer is the Hero sales framework. When trying to sell, many people make the mistake of positioning themselves as the hero. But what your customers are looking for is a guide who can help! Listen in to learn a 5-step framework that will give you talking points for every sales conversation and help you make your customer the hero while you become the trusted guide who can help them.   Go to to access and create a SalesScript you can use to invite customers into a story. As a podcast listener, you'll also get out the bonus video series of Don teaching you h