Border Boss

First Seven Inch Club - Episode 20A - WOPR



In lieu of an episode this week, we recorded you an entire 7". You might literally be the first person to hear this. What's up? WOPR - THE GOVERNMENT STINKS WOPR is Mike and Scot Lyrics: SHALL WE PLAY A GAME Guess Whos in Charge Your Lifes At Risk Destroy the Mastermind. Destroy the Operation Connect Four The Government Stratego The Military Stratego The Military Corporate Hungry Hippos A Monopoly on Existing Destroy the Dark Tower. Destroy the Candy Land Connect Four the Government Stratego The Military Stratego The Military GOD & CUNTRY You put your faith in the cross the government owns the cross the government owns your soul your pray to the cross but the government preys on you. You put your faith in the church The church is corporations the corporations are your god you pray to your god but corporations prey on you DRANO THE SYSTEM The government is a toilet and the toilet is clogged its time to flush the system we need a fast affordable solution for the government clog aft