Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 243 - The Shrinking of Treehorn



"I'm Benjamin Buttoning over here!" When they're not talking about crystal flutes and harmoniums, Kate and Betsy discuss their very first Halloween-seasoned title on this week's episode of Fuse 8 n' Kate. Betsy was charged with coming up with another potential classic for the Halloween season, and now she has located an illustrator who may honestly be called "the granddaddy of haunted books". He didn't do many picture books . . . for children. But occasionally he did one or two when someone else was doing the writing and today's title, The Shrinking of Treehorn is an exemplary example. The sisters talk about what it takes to name your kid "Treehorn", what to do when you're caught in a Jumanji-type situation, and why this book made Betsy think of Jeffrey Dahmer. Show Notes: For the full Show Notes please visit: https://afuse8production.slj.com/2022/10/03/fuse-8-n-kate-the-shrinking-of-treehorn-by-florence-parry-heide-ill-edward-gorey/