I Am Anna Mann

She's Back!



Anna Mann, greatest actress of the greatest generation (mid 70s probably) returns to the world of podcasts at last! rejoice my darlings, rejoice. buoyed and frankly bored on tour performing her show The Death of Anna Mann (5 stars most reviews - self out etc etc) she has decided to blast your ears with some of her latest tit bits and twat abouts. Who knows what she has to say this time? Or when it will come out? Or if any of it will be worth it? But we know you will love it. This time she argues with Sue Clinch about trying to put two things together that don't go together and shouldn't. She explains her views on God, talks about her intent to assassinate a reviewer and how she was saved from doing so by an unfortunate soul. Anna also dedicates this show and all her podcasts to the late great Phil Jerrod. He was an amazing help on this podcast and a dear and very missed pal. She talks a bit about what he meant to both of us. you can donate to Sarcoma UK if you wish to show some love for lovely Phil. sarcoma u