Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Talkin’ Taboo Topics with Pat Duckworth: Menopause, Wellness In The Workplace, and more...



We welcome back Pat Duckworth, the Founder of Smarter Menopause. She is a Women’s Health and Workplace Menopause Strategist working with businesses and organizations worldwide that are committed to supporting women colleagues at menopause. She is the author of several well-being books, including her international bestseller ‘Hot Women, Cool Solutions.’ In this episode, Pat and show host Sharon Sayler explore how we can tackle wellness and well-being topics to accelerate change in all environments, including the workplace plus• How to talk to management about ‘taboo topics’ like menopause,• The latest on hormones and phytoestrogens,• Understanding the changes to our bodies as we age, • Ways to embrace life and ‘taboo topics’ at every stage of life and much moreMore About Our Guest: Pat Duckworth is an international consultant, speaker, and author. Her books include ‘How to Survive Her Menopause; A practical guide to women’s health for men,’ ‘Cool Recipes for Hot Women; How to eat your way to a healthy menopau