Kettlebrook West Bend

Acts 1: 1-11



Questions for Reflection/ Discussion 1. Read Acts 1:1-11. Try to retell the story in your own words or have a few people in a group do so. What do you learn about God from this passage? What do you learn about people (ourselves)? 2. Imagine what it must have been like during the 40 days with Jesus (v.3). What would you have liked to ask Jesus during that time? What would you have liked to hear from Jesus during that time? 3. What did Jesus actually talk about during these days (v.3)? What do you think he said about that particular subject? 4. What were the disciples going to receive after Jesus ascended to heaven? Why is that important? What was Jesus’ expectation about what would be a normal and natural outcome of this (v.8)? 5. What do you think it means to be a witness? How does that look here in America in 2019? 6. What is one way you would like to bear witness to Jesus this summer? How can the group help you to do that?