Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 160: Demon Slayer



On this episode of Manga Mavericks, Colton & Lum finally get around to dedicating a whole episode of the podcast to Koyoharu Gotouge's Demon Slayer, otherwise known as the highest selling manga title of last year! And of course, who better to have on to discuss this momentous series then our friends from the Demon Slayer Podcast (Vlord, Marion & Sakaki)! Demon Slayer is a series that was just too big for the Mavericks crew to ignore, not just because we've constantly been covering its rise to fame, but also because we covered the first few chapters when they initially premiered as apart of Shonen Jump's Jump Start initiative all the way back in 2016 on our third episode of the podcast! We discuss just why its become so popular and how the story's poignant themes and messages have managed to capture the hearts of readers around the world and especially Japan, as well as our feelings on the final arc of the series and how much of an exciting and emotional roller coaster it was despite a few criticisms o