Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #37: Howl's Moving Castle



On our last episode, we exposed the GHIBLI CONSPIRACY - subliminal messages covertly sown into Hayao Miyazaki’s films to brainwash the children of the world! We discussed the secrets hidden in each of the films shown during GKids’ 2017 Ghibli Fest, covering all except for one, Howl’s Moving Castle. Now, to celebrate its 15th anniversary, GKids has brought Howl back to the big screen, giving us a chance to close the case on the conspiracy once and for all! We discuss the film’s anti-war messages, its themes of independence and self-perception, and just exactly what that madman Miyazaki is really mad at… AT LONG LAST, THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED!!!!!!! Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at, and subscribe to us on Youtube. You can follow the hosts on twitter at @LumRanmaYasha and @VLordGTZ. Don’t forget to also like and subscribe to us on Youtube and iTunes and leave us reviews to help us curate the show and create better content! If there are any to