Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #23: No Game No Life Zero



We're getting into the home stretch of hitertho unreleased Manga Mavericks @ Movies episodes from 2017! From this point onwards each podcast will contain an hour-long+ review of a single movie. These next couple episodes will be focused on anime movie reviews, including one of the few @ Movies we've actually recorded this year. Afterwards we'll have a few episodes dedicated to superhero blockbusters from last year, all of which featuring our good friend Vix and will hopefully be timed to release alongside some relevant superhero blockbusters coming out in December! Will we actually be able to clear our backlog of 2017 episodes by the end of this year so we can start fresh in 2019? Either way, we're getting into some really good episodes, so look forward to listening to them!  On this episode, we talk about No Game No Life Zero, the prequel film to No Game No Life that adapts its sixth volume and was released in North American theatres in October 2017 by Sentai Filmworks. Both Lum and VLord were big fans of N