Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 64: Haruhi Solves Math!



ANOTHER NEWS EPISODE?! NOOOOOO!!!! Yes, circumstances have conspired to rob us of a topic this week. Sadly, the Yu Yu Hakusho podcast we planned is on indefinite hiatus. We recorded a great show, but one of our guests' audio was lost to the ether, and trying to gather the gang back together to rerecord it is too difficult right now with our competing schedules. Fear not, for we will not abandon doing a Yu Yu Hakusho-related podcast completely! We intend to record a Yu Yu Hakusho MANGA FIGHT sometime in the coming weeks to make up for the lost show. With any luck it'll be recorded and released before the end of the year! As for this episode, while we may not have a discussion topic, we're making up for it by introducing a new segments - Community Shout-Outs! From now on at the end of every show we'll shine a spotlight on art, videos, blogs, podcasts, and other content created by the Anime fan community that we really enjoyed and want to share. This week we're spotlighting two great podcasts from One Panel La