Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #14: Ghost in the Shell/Power Rangers



Welcome to Manga Mavericks @ Movies, the show where we don’t talk smack about movies, except when we do! How’s that for a catchphrase! Hey, at least it’s more accurate than the old one. It’s no secret that we recorded a ton of @ Movies episodes that we haven’t released yet. Nearly two dozen in fact. I’d been thinking of the best way to release them, and I figured – why not all at once? That’s right, we’re motoring through the @ Movies backlog this month in a special event I’d like to call Manga Mavericks @ Movies Month! Since the beginning of May, I’ve been posting a new @ Movies review every day on our Youtube channel. We’re about 10 days in now, and I’m really happy that we’ve been able to keep it up so far. Of course, these reviews were never meant to be Youtube exclusive, and now I’m finally starting to release the official podcast versions on our feed! I’ll be posting a new @ Movies episode every few days until we’ve cleared our backlog, or at least most of it. It’s an insane undertaking, but I’ve just