Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 34: Welcome to the Ballroom



They say that dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff which it is made. Unless it’s a dancing manga, in which case it’s made of paper and ink or pixels if it’s digital. Today the Manga Mavericks find their rhythm and explore the meaning of dance through Tomo Takeuchi’s Welcome to the Ballroom, a resoundingly popular dancesport manga whose anime adaptation promises to be one of the best shows of the upcoming summer season. Considering Colton was not a fan of similar dancesport manga Straighten Up!, will the Mavericks be able to get into the groove of the series, or will they lose their footing and fall out of step with its story and messages? Well if the only way to describe dance is to show dance, then the only way to learn what people think is to hear them, so listen away! Of course we’ve got news to cover first. Colton cheats on the show with another podcast, so Sid is forced to recruit VLordGTZ yet again to discuss the latest happenings in the world of manga. From great deals like the F