Manifestation Babe

(#248) What dropping my baby taught me about TRUST



Hello, my beautiful souls! Welcome back to The Manifestation Babe podcast. Today's episode topic is a fascinating one because I never thought I would admit this on social media, let alone my podcast. Yes, I almost dropped my baby, Orion. When I shared this story on my Instagram, I didn't realize how common it was. But after I collected myself, I realized there was a beautiful lesson to be shared. So without further ado, sit back, relax and push play.    Speaking of lessons, the doors have OPENED to sign up for my FREE FIVE-DAY workshop Manifest Your Glow Up.  If you are looking for something to warm you up to my 20-week beast of a program. I highly recommend you SIGN UP.   Manifest Your Glow Up is a great ramp-up to MBA. MBA is literally my life's work jam-packed into a 20-week program where I take you on a journey of what it means to manifest your dream life and be the architect of your mind. It shows you how to bring about anything that you could possibly desire, literally out of thin air while also doing