The Wodcast Podcast

536 Mark "Smelly" Bell - Powerlifter, Entrepreneur, Podcaster



Mark “Smelly“ Bell is a meathead millionaire who has leveraged a successful powerlifting career into a multi-million dollar business empire. Mark embodies the true definition of a successful entrepreneur, one who has started a business, taken risks and has become an influential leader in his industry. He and his wife, Andee, own and operate Super Training Products Inc., a multi-million dollar fitness business that they started in 2010. Exclusive to WODcast listeners: Thirdzy creates natural products that help fitness athletes get better quality rest and recovery from physical and mental stress. Their flagship product PM Recovery Collagen is a melatonin-free, CBD-free drink powder that helps you get your best quality rest while supporting joint and muscle repair. Priming you to wake up energized and ready to take on your busiest days and toughest workouts. Go to and use code WodcastZzz to receive 25% off of your first order.