Nation Real Life

A whole lotta nonsense with some Oilers season predictions mixed in



The Thanksgiving long weekend is behind us, the Oilers' season kicks off tomorrow, and that means the boys from the Real Life Podcast are back with a brand new episode to help you ease back into work life after another round of practice retirement. On today’s show, the guys looked at Chalmers' trip to Arizona, the Oilers launching their on-demand service, the season starting tomorrow, and a whole lot more.To kick off the Tuesday episode of Real Life, the guys got started with a bunch of random nonsense that was not at all on the list of topics, which is par for the course on this podcast. Getting back to hockey, the guys looked at the Oilers+ program that launched this morning and how the feedback on the new offering has been very split. Changing gears, the guys spent a few minutes talking football and baseball as everyone was betting heavily on all kinds of things over the weekend. Circling back to the Oilers, the guys tackled their season long predictions that they'd be teasing over the last couple of weeks