Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S05E07- Gag Or Throttle



Listeners! It's time for what might be my favorite episode of the season thus far: the one where Rachel gets a fucking clue. It has certainly taken long enough for her to catch up with the rest of us in terms of understanding her place in this pyramid. And as a writer, when you wait this long to have a character to see the truth, you really run the risk of undercutting the level of satisfaction a viewer has when it finally happens. Thankfully, that's not the case here. I think part of that is due to us finally seeing what happened when she met up with Uncle Andrew, and part of it is that her turnaround is so severe and complete that you don't feel you've been ripped off. There are some other plot threads that I had believed dropped from the show that resurface in this episode, much to my surprise. Turns out that Mark is still alive, and he's still with Gracie, although the potential for him to glitch is hanging over them and putting a huge strain on their relationship. He's there to make a deal with Dr. Coady