Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

"THE BATTLE OF FLORIDA (2000)" -audio



"THE BATTLE OF FLORIDA (2000)" (with the election 2022 fast approaching) was parodist Loose Bruce Kerr's real-time telling of Bush v Gore during that election year 2000, where it all came down to succesive ballot recounts in Florida, including "dimpled chads." It's to the tune of "The Battle of New Orleans" by Johnny Horton. The song was featured on NPR's "All Things Considered" on election coverage in December 2000, and the nationally syndicated Dr. Demento Show on radio. Loose Bruce Kerr took 20 years off his legal career to write, record, and perform music across the country and the Caribbean. His songs have been played on Dr. Demento over 140 times, 1987-present. Resuming his legal career in 1993, Bruce became Assistant General Counsel at Sun Microsystems, before his job at Oracle after it acquired Sun in 2010. As of 2022, Bruce is now retired and spending more time on songwriting & recording. Bruce records his original songs and parodies, multi-tracking 1 vocal and 1 instrument at a time in his gara