Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#94: The Secret to Optimizing and Pricing Your Products for Explosive Growth



If you have a great line of products but don’t optimize, price and package them strategically, you are leaving money on the table. The truth is, 10% of your customers are willing to pay you 10 times more money if you had the right product or package for them. Every company should think through having an entry-level product, a mid-level product, and an elite-level product for customers with different needs (and pocketbooks!).    In today’s coaching conversation, Donald Miller talks with Dr. Tarun "T-Bone" Agarwal, Owner of 3D Dentists, an educational service helping dentists run a successful dental practice by simplifying both the business and clinical sides of dentistry. Don helps T-Bone think through different tiers of products that could triple his revenue and help him reach his goal of having a wait list for his programs. Listen in to learn how optimizing as well as strategically pricing and packaging your products can help you skyrocket your own revenue!   Find Dr. Tarun "T-Bone" Agarwal at