Chats With Susan Burrell

Are You Enough?



Ep # 205 - Are You Enough? An Interview with Author, Carrie Severson The title of the book from my next guest grabbed me in such a way that I absolutely knew I had to have her on Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. And so, with that I welcome Carrie Severson. She is the CEO of the hybrid book publishing company, Unapologetic Voice House and author of, Unapologetically Enough: Reshaping Success and Self-Love. I started this chat by asking Carrie why she chose this title for her book. And from here Carrie shared her story of hating the word, “enough” – in fact hating it to the point of turning it into a 4-letter word and then banning it from her vocabulary. For many years Carrie felt like she was never enough. Never enough for herself, for her family, for her friends, etc., etc. After she wrote this book and was contemplating a title, her editor suggested, “Unapologetically Enough.” Carrie had a melt-down. She did not want this as her title and fought it. She still had a lot of negative reactions to the word “