
014 - We Are the Music Makers



Man's search for utopia has always required a crutch to lean on. In our modern age we lean on innovation and technological breakthroughs to alleviate the ills of society. But what if we're looking in the wrong direction? What if the solutions to our problems lie in the past and not in the discoveries of the future? As we discuss in this episode, sometimes you have to go backwards to move forward. And just as important, you must realize how much power has been given to you as an individual to influence change. We each have a creative spark that sets us apart from the animal kingdom. By contemplating our own existence and manifesting our dreams into reality, the human race has arranged the world in our own likeness. But too many of us forego our God given ability for creativity and pass off the responsibility to other men who are all too happy to take it. This episode is a call to action, a reminder to remember our primary responsibility. Or do you not know that "you are gods?" (Ps. 82:6, John 10:34)  Subscribe