Faith Talks

088 - Know Thy Adversary Part 12



The devil's number one purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), but he can't kill or destroy unless he is first successful in stealing. What does he steal? He first has to steal THE WORD (Mark 4:15) - the Word that tells us that we are healed, are blessed, have a covenant of protection, have peace and everything else Jesus died to give us - because if he can steal the Word and trick us into believing we DON'T have those things, he can then go on to kill and to destroy. So how does he steal the Word?  The same way he did in the Garden of Eden - by presenting us with a contradiction to the word of God..."Did God REALLY say...?" Join me as we go through the Word to reveal the enemy's tactics and how he steals the Word. We will also find out the answer to, "Can the devil read our minds?"