Hand In Hand

Episode 66 Kate Elizabeth - From Stroke Survivor to Thriver



Kate Elizabeth is a stroke survivor and Habilitation professional who had a stroke at 10 years old, resulting in left-side paralysis. She continues to pursue her desire for personal independence and to find unique ways to achieve two-handed tasks with one hand. Kate is an author and speaker with a message of hope, and a way out of suffering, for stroke survivors and disadvantaged people. Now 40, Kate has achieved acceptance and is a real stroke survivor. At the same time reigniting her road to recovery. Kate is a mother to 3 children, 4 yr old twin boys and 5 yr old girl. She is an independent traveller, movie goer, regular attendee at kids parties and currently lives in Newcastle. Last year Kate decided it was imperative to share her knowledge of living one handed to help the millions of stroke survivors and people living with limited arm movement out there. She felt it was her experience and unique knowledge that could heal many lives around the world. Kate published her book Beyond Stroke: Living