Hand In Hand

Episode 54 Positive Outlook Equals Positive Outcome



If you are looking for an example how people successful turn stroke into an inspiring story of personal transformation and empowerment, look no further. July 17th, 1997, 5 day after her son turned 3, Julia Fox Garrison’s life changed forever. She was only 37 years old. A massive hemorrhagic stroke nearly took her life. According to Julia, she literally died on the operation table. Undeterred, Julia refused to give up. She has not only recovered amazingly but also taken on a new mission for her life. Julia has a lot to say and lessons to share about humor, inner strength, and self-determination. Harper-Collins published Julia’s best-seller Don’t Leave Me This Way (or when I get back on my feet you’ll be sorry). The book was selected for the top 7 Must Read books for anyone pursuing a nursing career. It also won the Applied Association of Therapeutic Humor (AATH) award for furthering their mission—humor in medicine, and was previously recognized by Reader's Digest as 'Today's Best Nonfiction'. Since the