All That Glitters

From Drugs to Freedom Part 2 with Kenzie Frandsen



Today, I speak with my client Kenzie and her friend Marshall. This is part two of a very deep and intimate conversation about drub and alcohol addiction and how it can ravage a person’s life. But we get to hear how Kenzie eventually beat her addiction and changed her life! In part two, Marshall joins the conversation and talks about his roll in her lifesaver the years. He talks about how he got into meth and how he eventually sought help and found his way out. We hear about the spiritual aspects of sobriety and finding a reason to stay sober. It took her years to hit rock bottom and realize she needed to change her life. Kenzie is so open and honest about her story. You don’t want to miss this interview. We talk about: -codependency in addiction -spiritual aspect of sobriety -looking for answers internally -how drugs and alcohol can alter your mental state -the importance of habits and routine -missing the camaraderie of rehab -escaping how you feel in your body -parallels of drug and food addictions -meditat