Scots Whay Hae!

Douglas MacIntyre, Grant McPhee & Neil Cooper - Hungry Beat



For the latest SWH! podcast Ali spoke to musician Douglas MacIntyre, filmmaker Grant McPhee, and journalist Neil Cooper to learn all about their new book 'Hungry Beat - The Scottish Independent Pop Underground Movement (1977-1984)'.  It's seems a shame to have the three on the same podcast as each deserves an individual interview to themselves (and that may come to pass in the future.) Douglas runs the excellent indie record label Creeping Bent as well as putting on the FRET series of concerts at the Strathaven Hotel, and has played with a number of bands over the years. Grant McPhee has made three great documentaries looking at Scottish indie music, Teenage Superstars, The Glasgow School, and Big Gold Dream - the latter providing the inspiration for Hungry Beat.  Neil Cooper is a journalist, critic and cultural commentator who writes for the Herald, Bella Caledonia, and many other fine publications. Few have written more insightfully about, and on, Scottish culture as he has.  What follows is